Keeping things simple is the name of game when dealing with commercial humidification. At UltraPure Systems, we have many different types of humidifiers designed to keep just the right level of relative humidity/moisture in the air. And thanks to our commitment to simple design, all of our commercial humidification units are easy to install and maintain. We carry industrial humidifiers of all different sizes ranging from 2.2lbs/hr to 39.6 lbs/hr. Our wall-mounted units and duct/ventilation humidifiers are in stock for quick delivery. When combined with one of our many reverse osmosis de-ionizing water filter systems, you can be sure your equipment is fully protected. Check out the complete line of ultrasonic humidifiers from UltraPure Systems today to find the solution that works for you.
UP-V Series Ventilation Humidifiers
UP-D Series Direct Humidifiers
Compact Humidifiers